Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Aug 29 '04 eng>eng A hyphen or a comma? The bells -- they are ringing easy closed no
4 Jul 29 '04 eng>eng sparsely furnished with sparse furniture easy closed no
4 May 1 '04 eng>eng Bowdoin James Bowdoin [bO´dun] easy closed no
- Feb 10 '04 eng>eng zero-to-zero tariff negotiations zero to zero - means reciprocally no tax - negotations for no import tax and that reciprocally easy closed no
4 Feb 8 '04 eng>eng On the blurry sidelines of my vision explanation easy closed no
- Feb 8 '04 eng>eng their teeth get soft enamel becomes fragile et brittle and teeth wear quickly - less protected more vulnerable to cavitie easy closed no
- Feb 7 '04 eng>eng had never been produced against them nobody crticized them for that nor made any comment to them about the vulgarity... easy closed no
- Jan 25 '04 eng>eng bid her childhood good-bye can be too much hardship and suffering easy closed no
- Jan 24 '04 eng>eng swapped it for a mouth organ possibility easy closed no
- Jan 24 '04 eng>eng talk talk talk talk to talk for the sake of talking but not for understanding easy closed ok
- Jan 23 '04 eng>eng An ambitious book dealing with a difficult or controversial topic in a way not done before easy closed no
4 Jan 22 '04 eng>eng two-boxer a real tear-jerker easy closed no
- Jan 22 '04 eng>eng Fair Ground explanation easy closed no
4 Jan 22 '04 eng>eng bilevel haircut think rock stars (Rod Stweart) or soccer players in the early 80's easy closed no
- Jan 22 '04 eng>eng Sebastian cellophane ironic - he was as important to me as the coler/dye was a key "ingredient/componant" to my haircut easy closed ok
- Jan 21 '04 eng>eng with a dead rat under your nose Ne venez/n'entrez pas ici en tenant un rat mort à la main easy closed no
- Jan 20 '04 eng>eng warm-blooded of flesh and blood easy closed ok
- Jan 20 '04 eng>eng handicapped wheel-chair bound is another option depending on context easy closed ok
- Jan 19 '04 eng>eng 15 minutes fifteen minutes of glory easy closed ok
- May 30 '03 eng>eng Stick it to the man Stickittotheman :-) easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered