May 24, 2023 00:42
1 yr ago
26 viewers *
Spanish term

las valerianas acciones de exterminio

Spanish to English Other Government / Politics Current events
This phrase is from an opinion piece in a Cuban online periodical. The topic of the piece is the ongoing US-sponsored blockade of
Cuba. The following is the paragraph where the phrase occurs:

Por el carácter extraterritorial de ese cerco, impuesto el 7 de febrero de 1962, el mal denominado Embargo es una extensión de ***las valerianas acciones de exterminio***. Es un hecho injustificable, herencia de los mismos instrumentos con que se deshicieron del Partido Revolucionario Cubano o el Ejército Libertador, para coartar cualquier oposición e intento de resistencia.

I think it probably means "strong measures to destroy or annihilate," or something along those lines, but I have not been able to find a single reference to this use of valeriano/a - only references to the plant, Valerian. The only clue I found was in the etymology of Valerian, from the Latin verb valere, "(to be strong, healthy)" from Wikipedia.
Are any of you familiar with this usage? Is it maybe only Cuban? I didn't find any references to it as archaic, no longer used as an adjective.
Thanks in advance - any help will be greatly appreciated.


O G V May 30, 2023:
y los puntos del kudoz, son sólo la guinda lo que importa es descubrir qué es ese término y cómo se puede traducir, adaptar o contextualizar.
creo que no se permite repartirlos, pero sería una buena propuesta, como también poder graduar los acuerdos y desacuerdos:
Totalmente de acuerdo/Bastante de acuerdo/De acuerdo... Algo en desacuerdo/Nada de acuerdo.
Quizás complicaría las cosas a la hora de medir la puntuación pero pienso que a mucha gente le parecería bien poder precisar el grado de apoyo o desacuerdo.

O G V May 30, 2023:
se censura a Cuba en los resultados Leyendo lo que cuenta Thomas, queda claro que se censura a Cuba en los resultados.
Una rápida búsqueda muestra varios casos de este bloqueo dentro de la isla y también restricciones para encontrar Cuba como destino turístico.
No aparece así de primeras ninguna reseña que diga que los buscadores de internet censuren o bloqueen directamente las coincidencias procedentes de Cuba.
Que en los resultados no salga tampoco la noticia en cuestión podría deberse a que no hay comunicación mutua, es decir, que los contenidos que se hacen en Cuba no se comunican a estos buscadores.
Pero parece más lógico pensar que la censura es desde los buscadores hacia Cuba, por indicaciones de los gobiernos donde tienen su sede, que no permiten que aparezcan en los resultados.
Quizás, Thomas, puedes preguntar en ese periódico qué saben ellos y nos comentas lo que digan. Pero parece una censura flagrante.
Thomas Walker (asker) May 29, 2023:
@neilmac & O G V I was trying to split the points, 2 points to each of you, but if that's even possible, obviously I don't know how to do it - I've never tried it before. I got 2 points to Neil, but after that, I was locked out.
Sorry -
Thomas Walker (asker) May 29, 2023:
@ O G V I searched using the phrase and got one hit on this post; but aside from that, all I got was about Valerianas, the plant. I was searching with Bing, in Firefox.
That's why I was so confounded, until Robert started to look outside of vocabulary, at the oblique reference to Cuban history. And as I looked more carefully at the rest of the article, there were other such oblique historical references. All of which made the translation work more complicated, requiring explanatory phrases within the body of the text of the translation &/or footnotes.
I'm not as confident as Chris that intelligent readers will know "Weylerian" - I like to consider myself a somewhat intelligent reader, but all this is new ground to me. Thanks to you all for you contributions to a better understanding of this somewhat difficult text.
O G V May 25, 2023:
@Thomas espero comprendieras mi explicación de la sospecha de censura/bloqueo... ¿has llegado a ver en el buscador lo que sale poniendo la frase del kudoz entre comillas?
O G V May 24, 2023:
Hi Thomas :) Is my pleasure to help in a pro-bono translation of this kind. ¡Salud!
The "strange thing" is that Google (see image, I think is diaphanous and is self-explanatory) doesn't show the link of the Cuban journal in their results. Is obvious that the sentence is an exact match and I am seriously suspecting is some kind of censure. That's why I asked to repeat the same research from your side/country.
The URL link of website is opening normally (pues sólo faltaría eso, que no se pudiera acceder!!!). I read it and I posted here some comments as you saw ;), so no worries.

I requested to paste "valerianas acciones de exterminio" on your browser and report if the research results include or not the original text from the Cuban site.

Por ejemplo, tampoco sale nada de Cuba en :(
Buscador de Yahoo!

Resulta muy sospechoso y me pregunto por qué los buscadores no buscan en Cuba y "faltan a su deber". ¿Censura?,¿bloqueo?... ¿internet no es tan libre ni universal como debería...?
Thomas Walker (asker) May 24, 2023:
¡Hola, O G V! Thank you so much for your research and thoughtful consideration of my Question.
Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you're saying in your previous couple of discussion posts.
I think what I'm hearing is that you were unable to access the article using the URL link I provided? That seems very strange to me - the website is one I routinely visit as I search for interesting articles to translate. But internet access may be different in Europe, in ways of which I'm totally unaware.
And I didn't get the thrust of your request: "Could you guys try to search the exact sentence with quotes and share the results?" Would you please give additional details of what you're asking for, and I'll try to respond.
O G V May 24, 2023:
otras dos palabras de difícil localización "fruteros" sería un insulto peyorativo a los grandes cultivadores de frutas tropicales

y de "chambelones" hay bastantes explicaciones:«chambelones»+cuba&newwindow=1&client=opera&hs=OLw&sxsrf=APwXEddmVqoiCfsH1YLZuTzSD6I6pJjfvQ%3A1684948725051&ei=9UZuZJ_ZAuiP5OUPkO2_wA4&ved=0ahUKEwjfp-KRu47_AhXoB7kGHZD2D-gQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=«chambelones»+cuba&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIHCCEQoAEQCjIHCCEQoAEQCjoKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzoFCAAQogRKBAhBGABQ4gFY8whgkgtoAXABeACAAZYCiAGUCJIBBTAuMy4ymAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp

O G V May 24, 2023:
Google is censuring Cuba's sites/coincidences Regarding Thomas Walker note to my answer, as I feared, is obvious that Google is censuring Cuba's sites/coincidences.
Worrying/sad thing which confirms (or at least suggest it) the current online effectiveness of the "embargo":

Could you guys try to search the exact sentence with quotes and share the results?

O G V May 24, 2023:
Weylerian da buenas coincidencias"Weylerian"&newwin...

puede ser buena adaptación pues.
O G V May 24, 2023:
dos citas de la wikión

La reconcentración fue un método y una política utilizada por el general Valeriano Weyler adoptada a partir del 16 de febrero de 1896 para aniquilar militarmente el levantamiento independentista cubano de 1895. Consistía en aglomerar de manera forzosa a los campesinos en poblados cercados, con el fin de aislar a los insurrectos ... evitando que pudieran recibir ayudas. La medida creó una situación compleja al no poder suministrar alimentos... graves condiciones de insalubridad ... hambrunas y epidemias, tanto en los soldados españoles como en la población civil, volviéndola altamente impopular. La medida vio su fin en noviembre del año siguiente....​El historiador John Lawrence Tone caracteriza la política de reconcentración como genocida.
Campos de concentración
Medidas como estas eran prácticas que se realizaban en conflictos contemporáneos similares: Horatio Kitchener en la Guerra de los Bóeres; el ejército de Estados Unidos en sus Guerras Indias y en la Guerra de Secesión,​ como hicieran los generales Sheridan y Hunter al devastar completamente el valle de Shenandoah o Sherman al arrasar Georgia y Carolina del Sur.
O G V May 24, 2023:
suelo decir siempre que en estos casos lo mejor es recabar detalles del autor.
Es muy posible que se refieran al general español porque se alude al Ejército Libertador. Se antoja improbable que se aluda al emperador romano.
Desde luego, es una referencia que pocos nativos comprenderán y los hablantes de inglés, menos.
Yo optaría por "imperialist", puesto que España era un imperio hasta la pérdida de esas casi últimas colonias (descontando el Sáhara y otros territorios africanos).

Aunque de imperio España tenía ya bien poco por entonces, para el tono reivindicativo y nacionalista del texto parece la mejor forma de localizar la expresión.

Quizás sea pertinente la alusión al general por montar lo que se llamaban ya entonces campos de reconcentración, una práctica habitual en la época, por la que es conocido.

neilmac May 24, 2023:
My take I'd probably use "Weylerian" (Weyleriano), with an explanatory footnote. (
Robert Carter May 24, 2023:
This other reference is perhaps more plausible, relating as it does specifically to Cuba's history of oppression under imperialism and its struggle for independence ("una extensión de las valerianas acciones de exterminio").
Robert Carter May 24, 2023:
I was just thinking the same thing, Phil, and Tom I believe already had that idea in mind anyway.
Incidentally, I just found another reference to a "Valeriano" character related specifically to Cuba, this time a Spanish general called Valeriano Weyler who it appears brutally repressed Cuban peasants in the 19th century, intentionally starving them in what we might nowadays refer to as concentration camps.
"Contra los patriotas alzados en armas el 24 de febrero de 1895, Madrid envió a Cuba en 1896 al general Valeriano Weyler, quien para evitar el apoyo de los campesinos a la insurrección aplicó una reconcentración forzosa en pueblos y ciudades de casi toda la población rural, condenada así a sobrevivir en lugares sin las mínimas condiciones de vida y bajo una implacable represión."
philgoddard May 24, 2023:
If that's what it means, it's a very obscure reference that no one will understand. I would paraphrase it.

Or you could say Neronian, since Nero is better known:
Thomas Walker (asker) May 24, 2023:
Hi, Robert I think you’ve got something there. As for translation, we could coin a new adjective form: Valerianian; or in a more 21st Century format, Valerian-ish.
Seriously, I would think about an explanatory phrase here, or possibly a footnote.
Robert Carter May 24, 2023:
Hi Tom Could it be a reference to the Roman emperor Valerian's persecution of Christians?
"While fighting the Persians, Valerian sent two letters to the Senate ordering that firm steps be taken against Christians. The first, sent in 257, commanded Christian clergy to perform sacrifices to the Roman gods or face banishment. The second, the following year, ordered the execution of Christian leaders."

Proposed translations

12 hrs

Weylerian extermination actions

As per my discussion comment.

"Given the extraterritorial nature of this siege, imposed on 7 February 1962, the so-called embargo is an extension of the Weylerian extermination actions*."

Explanatory note: Reference to atrocities committed by General Valeriano Weyler (1838-1930).

Note added at 15 hrs (2023-05-24 16:13:14 GMT)

I'd think twice about using "imperialist" (without the (Spanish) caveat) for a US readership, as the term is often associated with typical 20th-century anti-US activism/commie rhetoric and might trigger a knee-jerk reaction.
Example sentence:

General Weyler had relocated more than 300,000 into such "reconcentration camps,"...

Peer comment(s):

agree O G V : me parece mejor "captain-general Weyler", pero"Weylerian"&newwindow=1&client=opera&sxsrf=APwXEdfvIBRe7e35ofUyCxK2lo_kxrArhA%3A1684942709147&ei=dS9uZLHSCOzc5OUPgcu7mAc&ved=0ahUKEwjx4JTdpI7_AhVsLrkGHYHlDnMQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq
2 hrs
Cheers :-)
agree AllegroTrans : I thnink this is a case where the intelligent reader can be expected to know what "Weylerian" means, or at least to look it up
3 hrs
Something went wrong...
2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, Neil"
8 hrs
Spanish term (edited): valerianas acciones de exterminio

(Spanish) imperialist actions of extermination/actions of extermination of the Spanish empire

is an extension of the imperialist actions of extermination.
...of the actions of extermination of the Spanish empire.

Creo que una adaptación así se comprende y transmite el significado con claridad, sin ambages.

No sé hasta qué punto habría que explicar a quién se alude con "valerianas".
Dependerá de si el público lector conoce la historia de Cuba con detalle o si tiene interés por conocer esas alusiones tan locales.

La única coincidencia en el buscador es este mismo kudoz.
Is this Cuban publication really online?
Any link?


Note added at 16 horas (2023-05-24 16:57:16 GMT)

Then, as I feared, Google is censuring Cuba's sites/coincidences. Worrying/sad thing:

reading the text quickly, full of historical references and with typical militant tone "a lo cubano", I would go for some mix of the two provided answers:
"the Spanish imperialist actions of extermination executed by the captain general Weyler",
giving an easy and clear contextualization for readers.
Note from asker:
Yes, of course this publication is "really online." - as I said in my original Question statement. I have no objection to sharing a link to the article - my translation work on this is pro bono, anyway, and the article is freely available on the internet.
Peer comment(s):

agree Yvonne Gallagher : seems best idea is to use "imperialist extermination actions"
4 hrs
Gracias, Yvonne.
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