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Thread poster: lucca
Dasa Suciu
Dasa Suciu  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:29
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IQ Jun 30, 2008

Cred că ar fi interesant de aflat ce IQ avem, noi, traducătorii!
Este free! Succes!

Dasa Suciu
Dasa Suciu  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:29
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IQ Jun 30, 2008

Aici e adresa:

Local time: 01:29
English to Romanian
IQ - Comentarii Jun 30, 2008

Interesant cât de reproductibil este rezultatul! Am parcurs un test asemănător (advertised in the New York Times) acum 2-3 ani, şi rezultatul de azi diferă cu doar 2 puncte (în minus) de cel de atunci.
La anagramă am bifat Animal ca intelligent guess, dar, de fapt nu ştiu răspunsul!
Azi, programul m-a încadrat în categoria "data curator" şi, printre altele, m-a comparat (măgulitor pentru mine) cu Bill Gates. Ca mod de a gândi, atât...
See more
Interesant cât de reproductibil este rezultatul! Am parcurs un test asemănător (advertised in the New York Times) acum 2-3 ani, şi rezultatul de azi diferă cu doar 2 puncte (în minus) de cel de atunci.
La anagramă am bifat Animal ca intelligent guess, dar, de fapt nu ştiu răspunsul!
Azi, programul m-a încadrat în categoria "data curator" şi, printre altele, m-a comparat (măgulitor pentru mine) cu Bill Gates. Ca mod de a gândi, atât)))
Categorizările par să se facă în funcţie de preponderenţa în diferite categorii a răspunsurilor bune (sau rele), nu de valoarea IQ.
Pentru că tot veni vorba de Bill Gates, iată că şi el are probleme cu produsele Microsoft, la fel ca noi:
No comments... (sunt destule pe site).

Ovidiu Martin Jurj
Ovidiu Martin Jurj
Local time: 01:29
German to Romanian
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IQ Jun 30, 2008

L-am făcut şi eu. Iacătă ce mi-a ieşit:

Insightful Linguist
Your IQ Score is: 135
You are gifted with the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind.

Insightful linguists can take complex concepts and articulate them to just about anyone. You have a gift with words and insight into processes and the way people think. These talents enable you to explain thin
... See more
L-am făcut şi eu. Iacătă ce mi-a ieşit:

Insightful Linguist
Your IQ Score is: 135
You are gifted with the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind.

Insightful linguists can take complex concepts and articulate them to just about anyone. You have a gift with words and insight into processes and the way people think. These talents enable you to explain things clearly to people. Helen Keller is a great example of an Insightful Linguist. Blind, deaf and mute, she was still able to put things together in her mind and to understand complex ideas. She could do that because she was able to conceptualize ideas internally. Though she could not literally see, she had the visual and spatial skills necessary to understand patterns on an abstract level. She learned to read, write and ultimately became a writer on issues of social justice.

You have an uncanny ability to work your way out of sticky situations using your talent with words. Crossword puzzles, debates — you're particularly well equipped to come out on top since you can read people well.

Like Charles Dickens, your verbal skills go far beyond having a good vocabulary. Dickens' genius was in the artful and descriptive way he crafted sentences. Also Dickensian, is your keen eye for detail and your adeptness for identifying the best way to express an idea based on your given surroundings and circumstances.

Your ability to communicate your vision clearly will take you far. So enjoy being perceptive, and make the most of your abilities as an insightful linguist.

Cel mai nasol mi s-a părut că e punctul 35; nu prea i-am găsit nicio logică. Şi 26 mi s-a părut nasol, am pus acolo ceva la nimereală.

Elvira Daraban
Elvira Daraban  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:29
French to Romanian
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reIQ Jul 2, 2008

rezultatul e tot ala, si la punctaj, si la categorie: visual mathematician. oare ce mai caut aici?

Cristiana Coblis
Cristiana Coblis  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:29
Member (2004)
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CultureQuest®-ion of the Day Jul 6, 2008

Dacă vă pasionează trivia culturală, vă recomand un serviciu gratuit:

Dasa Suciu
Dasa Suciu  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:29
English to Romanian
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eBooks Jul 8, 2008

Nu uitaţi să profitaţi şi anul acesta de oferta târgului: descărcare gratuită până pe 4 august!

Ioana Daia
Ioana Daia  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:29
Spanish to Romanian
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expresii franţuzeşti Jul 8, 2008

Un site la care eu sunt abonata, cu câte o expresie în fiecare zi (explicaţii, etimologie, diverse conjecturi legate de apariţia ei). O plăcere zilnică...

Cristiana Coblis
Cristiana Coblis  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:29
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Freelancers reject pay-rise to stay self-employed Jul 10, 2008

Freelancerii sunt caracterizaţi în glumă ca nişte oameni care preferă să muncească 14 ore pe zi pentru ei decât 8 ore pentru alţii

A recent study has shown that 50% of freelancers would reject a 100% increase in pay if it meant returning to regular employment. An independent working life, flexible hours and being your own boss were quoted as reasons for rejecting a return to the ‘rat race’, even with the cash incentive.

Articolul poate fi citit la:

[Editat la 2008-07-10 20:36]

Cristiana Coblis
Cristiana Coblis  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:29
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Noua ediţie a Collegiate Dictionary, mai bogată cu 100 de cuvinte noi Jul 10, 2008

Merriam-Webster Inc. has added more than 100 new entries to its new edition of the Collegiate Dictionary. Is it acceptable to serve edamame to a dinner guest who's a pescatarian? Should you pour prosecco or soju for the winner of the Texas Hold 'em game you're planning near the infinity pool? And what's that wing nut in the corner saying about dirty bombs and nasty Noroviruses?

Mi s-a părut interesant că aceste cuvinte au fost adăugate în dicţionar, fiind recunoscute astfel oficial, după (zeci de) ani buni de utilizare în scris. Se pare că lingviştii britanici sunt mai reticenţi la valurile de cuvinte la modă (hituri de o vară) care vin şi trec prin limba lor O lectură foarte plăcută.

Merriam-Webster unveils new dictionary words

Maria Diaconu
Maria Diaconu  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:29
English to Romanian
"Bucharest, the new Berlin" :) Jul 15, 2008

Un articol despre Bucureşti în The New York Times, mie mi-a plăcut:

Cristiana Coblis
Cristiana Coblis  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:29
Member (2004)
English to Romanian
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TRADUCERI 1944-1984 (Monumentum aere perennius) Jul 16, 2008

Vă recomand acest articol interesant scris de G. Pruteanu în 1984.

Cristiana Coblis
Cristiana Coblis  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:29
Member (2004)
English to Romanian
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EU: The time is ripe for multilingual online retailing Jul 18, 2008

Despre oportunităţile comerciale pe piaţa unică şi despre cererea de traduceri pe care o generează.

Nearly two-thirds of European retailers say they are ready to carry out transactions in more than one language. However, only one third of EU consumers say they are willing to purchase goods and services in another language, according to the European Commission's Eurobarometer report. This means that the time is ripe for multilingual online retailing.

Cristiana Coblis
Cristiana Coblis  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:29
Member (2004)
English to Romanian
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Articol din Libertatea - Cum deveniti traducator autorizat Jul 22, 2008


Ecaterina Rusnac
Ecaterina Rusnac
Local time: 01:29
English to Romanian
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lol Jul 22, 2008

Parcă e unul din anunţurile alea: "Vreţi să câştigaţi bani în timpul liber ? Deveniţi distribuitor al produselor firmei X ! Sunaţi la numărul 898989898989!" "Vreţi să câştigaţi bani în timpul liber ? Lipiţi afişe pe copaci ! Pentru detalii sunaţi la 898989899."

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