Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Mar 8 '06 eng>eng Rotate the hand crank fully clockwise. turn the hand crank clockwise until it stops (goes no further) pro closed ok
- Mar 3 '06 eng>eng Plain English Test nfg - some references pro closed no
- Jan 25 '06 eng>eng processes volume sentence pro closed ok
4 Jun 16 '05 eng>eng which aims to shake hands scanner to be the counterpart of the passport chip pro closed no
4 Mar 26 '05 eng>eng OSS Operational Support System pro closed no
- May 5 '04 eng>eng across the operating environment will have an effect an the entire operating environment pro closed ok
- May 5 '04 eng>eng wasting time for off shift machine time on test LPARs unused time (time wasted while machine is not being used) during off-shift periods pro closed ok
- May 4 '04 eng>eng referenced the greatest amount of time or where it is referenced most of the time pro closed no
- Apr 9 '04 eng>eng mainframe / ordinateur central for your information pro closed ok
4 Feb 4 '04 eng>eng ..the copying of appropriate message types automatically to a separate log run-on sentence pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered