Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jan 22 '06 rus>eng шепчешь ночью to mutter smth. in one's sleep (tossing and turning in bed) pro closed no
- Nov 14 '05 rus>eng поставленные перед нами задачи the tasks (set) before us pro closed no
- Oct 4 '05 rus>eng Для анализа очевидного необходим очень необычный ум "It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious." Alfred North Whitehead pro closed no
- Oct 3 '05 rus>eng Знать законы - значит воспринимать не их слова, но их содержание и значение To know the law is not merely to understand the words, but as well their force and effect pro closed no
- Sep 29 '05 rus>eng цитата Gold goes in at any gate (German proverb) pro closed ok
4 Feb 24 '05 rus>eng размять ноги to stretch one's legs pro closed no
- Nov 5 '04 rus>eng Она и без того чуть не плакала She was near enough to tears as it was pro closed no
- Aug 30 '04 rus>eng Время шло с возрастом, another variant easy closed ok
- May 28 '04 rus>eng "to nie mozhda panimatj" and "li shto" см. ниже easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered