Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

"trapped in" pressure

Russian translation:

остаточное давление

Added to glossary by Natalia Elo
Feb 13, 2006 08:34
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

"trapped in"

English to Russian Tech/Engineering Paper / Paper Manufacturing maintenance instructions
Also sure that possible "trapped in" pressure is realised and to mechanically secure the equipment before entering the area.

Что-то я не могу понять, что под trapped in подразумевается:(
Proposed translations (Russian)
1 +5 a typo?


Natalia Elo (asker) Feb 13, 2006:
residual pressure - то, что я искала. Cпасибо!
Natalia Elo (asker) Feb 13, 2006:
Да-да, Кевин, это английский шведского происхождения:) Конечно там должно быть что-то вроде Make sure that possible trapped in pressure is released and...

Я на это даже внимания уже не обращаю. Меня интересует именно trapped in pressure.

Proposed translations

2 mins

a typo?

Perhaps what is meant is: ..."also [be] sure that possible 'trapped in' pressure is RELEASED and..."

Just a guess...

Note added at 5 mins (2006-02-13 08:39:49 GMT)

It seems to be referring to areas of "residual pressure," hence the reference to mechanically securing equipment (that may be damaged by such pressure(?)), but without more context it's difficult to say.
Peer comment(s):

agree koundelev : a bull-eye guess!...
24 mins
Thank you, George!
agree Oleg Sollogub
1 hr
Thank you, Oleg.
agree Enote : It may be harmful for person...
1 hr
Thank you.
agree Aleksandr Okunev (X)
4 hrs
Thank you, Aleksandr.
agree Natalie Lyssova
7 hrs
Thank you, Natalie.
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