Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators

Dayow & Companions Professional Translators

Reliable and Professional 24/7 Translation Service Providers

Dayow & Companions Professional Translators is a group of old friends and professional EnglishSomali , EnglishSwahili and Arabic >English translators and interpreters with a common goal: high quality services in the real sense. As we used to be classmates and close friends – and still are – we know how to deal with each other and help the team reach its goals.
We all have in our arsenals everything a translator must have, from CAT software to transcription, subtitling, voiceover, and dubbing tools – everything.

As a young, enthusiastic group, we are always ready to offer our services, including but not limited to:

- translation
- interpreting
- proofreading
- localization (software and web)
- subtitling
- voiceover
- any other language related services
Team language pairs 13
  • somalijski > angielski
  • suahili > angielski
  • angielski > suahili
  • suahili > angielski
  • arabski > angielski
  • arabski > angielski
  • angielski > somalijski
Team leader
Hussein Dayow Idow
Hussein Dayow Idow
Reliable, Faster, Professional Service
Team Leader
I understand that in every work speed, accuracy and correspondence is critical. That is why meeting deadline has never been a complain from my clients. Summary I’m a native Somali and Swahili speaker and a trained translator, Somali, English & Kiswahili teacher and Economist. I have a great cultural and political knowledge of Eastern and Central African people (Somali and Swahili speaking countries) and I’m familiar with all Somali (from Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somaliland.) and Swahili dialects – from Eastern D.R. Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya. I have worked with/for film industry companies like HBO-VICE, research firms, government, many organization and courts. I’m a reliable freelance translator, interpreter, transcriber, subtitling specialist and editor for reputable language companies in the US, Canada and Europe. I have excellent computer skills and I’m conversant with tools such as SDL Trados, Subtitle Edit and VideoPad. Education Master of Economic (Cooperation and Human Development) | August 2014 to December 2016 | Kenyatta University : Nairobi, Kenya Specialization: Cooperation and Human Development Related coursework: Advanced Microeconomic Theory I, Advanced Macroeconomic Theory I ,Development Theories and Strategies, Advanced Statistics, International Economics for Development and Cooperation, Advanced Microeconomic Theory II, Advanced Macroeconomic Theory II, Economic Research Methodology, Human Development (HD) I: Conceptual Foundation and use of HD, Cooperation for Development: Local Development Dimension, Human Development II - HD Policies, International Cooperation Projects Design, International Cooperation Projects Implementation and Management, Disaster Preparedness/Management and Humanitarian Action Community Interpretation Certificate | August 2014 – December 2015| Kenyatta University Major: Foreign language Interpretation, Translation and translation Management Basic Certificate in interpretation| October 2013 – December 2014 | University of Geneva, Nairobi, Kenya Specialization: General interpretation and Translation. Bachelor of Commerce | October 2008 – September 2012 | Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya Major: Finance At any moment you choose my services and would like references, I will gladly supply one to you. Just ask. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. You can also view more information about me and my services at Somali Translator/interpreter
Team members 4
High Quality Service
Mahmoud Nassef
Mahmoud Nassef
EnglishArabic translator

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