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Search results: (452 matches)
Turkish memoQ'da yeni dil çiftine sahip dosya değiştirme Teşekkürler. [quote]Selcuk Akyuz wrote: Ben olsam yeni proje
oluşturmak yerine projeye doğru TM'i ekler,
biten çevirileri bu TM'e gönderirdim.
[/quote] Aslında doğru TM'ler en baştan
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 25, 2016
Turkish memoQ'da yeni dil çiftine sahip dosya değiştirme Merhaba, biraz garip bir sorum var.
Elimdeki bir word dosyasını memoQ'da (2015)
çevirmek üzere bir proje oluşturdum ve dil
çiftini English-Turkish olarak belirledim.
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 25, 2016
MemoQ support Predictive typing not working properly I have the same problem. I am rather new to memoq and just found some time
to try such features. I am facing the same
problem. After reading this post, I checked
the settings. I have that value set to 3 letter
Elif Baykara Narbay Apr 17, 2016
Turkish Türkiyede Çevirmenlerin Vergi Yükümlülüğü SGK SGK'li olmak artık tercihe bağlı değil. Siz
fark etseniz de etmeseniz de, isteseniz de
istemeseniz da SGK'li oluyorsunuz. Hatta
borçlandığınızı fark
etmeyebilirsiniz. Bir
Elif Baykara Narbay Apr 13, 2016
Turkish Türkiyede Çevirmenlerin Vergi Yükümlülüğü Güzel bir derleme Elinize sağlık ve paylaşım için
teşekkürler. Kitabı henüz bitirmedim, fırsat
buldukça bölüm bölüm okuyorum :) İki
minik ekleme/düzeltme yapmak istiyorum. -
Elif Baykara Narbay Apr 10, 2016
MemoQ support MemoQ keeps messing up numbers willy-nilly +1 :/ Elif Baykara Narbay Apr 7, 2016
Money matters Payments from Marocco to EU Why should you pay the client's tax? [quote]Birthe Omark wrote: I am wondering about
the best payment method for translation delivered
to a company in Marocco? My client claims that
I as the vendor have to pay 11,1% tax
Elif Baykara Narbay Apr 4, 2016
Money matters Freelance interpreter stole client +1 [quote]Rudolf Vedo CT wrote: [quote]kevin316
wrote: After I hung up, I realized I could have
pretended the girl is with my company and made
some money from this. I like the clien
Elif Baykara Narbay Mar 31, 2016
Trados support Retrieve a TM from a package Studio 2011 folder In case of Studio 2011, when you open the package,
its contents are extracted into a project folder
(it has the same name as your package) under the
Studio 2011 folder. In that project fol
Elif Baykara Narbay Mar 30, 2016
Being independent Does changing your name affect your business? I kept mine for business purposes (unofficially) I got recently married and found myself in a
similar situation. I am registered as a
"freelancer / self-employed" translator under my
name (without the additional one from my husband).
Elif Baykara Narbay Mar 29, 2016
Business issues Asking for a quote, quote given then silent "not so good manners" This is the first reason that comes to my mind. It
is definitely not that difficult to send an e-mail
telling that they are not interested or so.
Elif Baykara Narbay Mar 24, 2016
Getting established Do you translate in cafes? Definitely! I can concentrate much better and as long as I use
my own hotspot, I don't have connection or
security issues. I am avoiding cafes for the
moment due to recent attacks but I hope to be
Elif Baykara Narbay Mar 21, 2016
MemoQ support Log in MemoQ Server- lincese needed? @zeki guler - no need to have two copies Your client may not be aware of the fact that you
actually have your own copy. No need for two
copies (I am not sure whether this is possible at
all). You will have 2 accounts. For your o
Elif Baykara Narbay Mar 9, 2016
Turkish Yurt dışı çeviri hakkında SWIFT [quote]Mehmet Akıncı wrote: IBAN'la
ücretlerin doğrudan hesaba gönderilmesi ile
neyi kastediyorsunuz? Western Union değil mi?
Yoksa tıpkı Türkiye içi bir hesaptan başka
Elif Baykara Narbay Mar 3, 2016
Turkish Yurt dışı çeviri hakkında Başka bankalar? [quote]Haluk Erkan wrote: Skrill hesabıma
gelen EUR ve USD cinsi paraları İş
Bankası'ndaki aynı türden hesaplara
aktarıyorum. PayPal ödemelerindeki gibi döviz
kurundan k
Elif Baykara Narbay Mar 3, 2016
Money matters skrill website does not work cookies did you try to clean the cookies and clear the
history? that might help.
Elif Baykara Narbay Feb 26, 2016
Lighter side of trans/interp Non-ethical job? Why? [quote]Heinrich Pesch wrote: Today I translated
text for dog food. Food for the most choosey dog.
Only the best parts of meat in delicious jelly or
sauce. Chicken, pheasant, calf, wild
Elif Baykara Narbay Feb 10, 2016
Trados support capitalization A workaround may be to complete the translation and then change the
initial letter by find&replace all. At least,
this is what I am able to do up to now. I am
following this topic though :)
Elif Baykara Narbay Jan 27, 2016
Hardware Please complete a quick survey on typing and keyboards +1 [quote]Beatriz Ramírez de Haro wrote: Nice and
short! Keep us posted. Cheers Bea [/quote]
Elif Baykara Narbay Jan 22, 2016
Turkish çevirmenler isteğe bağlı sigorta yaptırmalı mı? Emeklilikte son 7 yıl önemli. Bana verilen bilgiye göre, emekli olmadan önceki
son 7 yıl (sık sık kurumlar arası değişiklik
yapmadığınızda pratikte son 3,5 yıl) boyunca
hangi kurumda kayıtlıysanız, emek
Elif Baykara Narbay Dec 20, 2015
Money matters What could be the translators price for medical book translation from Turkish to English? Sheila +1 --- Elif Baykara Narbay Dec 20, 2015
Turkish Kendimi sözlü çeviride nasıl geliştirebilirim? Kendinizi geliştirme konusu Asıl sorunuza buradakilere ek, yapıcı bir
yanıtım maalesef yok. Ben ancak her yönüyle
hakim olduğum bazı konularda ardıl çeviriler
yapıyorum ve bu işi bununla sınırlı
Elif Baykara Narbay Dec 20, 2015
Turkish Kendimi sözlü çeviride nasıl geliştirebilirim? Çeviri bütünlüklü bir iştir ve doğrudan çevirmene bağlıdır. İşyerinizin kendi kısa vadeli çıkarlarını
gözetmesi özellikle Türkiye'de şaşılacak bir
durum değil. Bu yazılı çeviri için de öyle,
sözlü çeviri için de. Burada ç
Elif Baykara Narbay Dec 20, 2015
Money matters Price per word... +VAT? Hi! Different rules apply. Here in Turkey, I need to consider two different
types of taxes. A 20% income tax and a 18% VAT.
My unit price includes the income tax by
nature :) (I pay it separately) and I have
Elif Baykara Narbay Dec 13, 2015
Getting established I want formal training in my craft: Translation program WITH specialization? I came across this article on Proz in case you didn't see
Elif Baykara Narbay Dec 9, 2015
Turkish çevirmenler isteğe bağlı sigorta yaptırmalı mı? Serbest meslek erbabı olduğunuzda elinizde SGK açısından iki
seçeneğiniz var: 1- aynı zamanda bir başka
yerde çalışıyorsanız oradan SSK'lı
olabirsiniz. 2- kendi adınıza Bağ-Kur'lu
Elif Baykara Narbay Dec 9, 2015
Turkish çevirmenler isteğe bağlı sigorta yaptırmalı mı? İsteğe bağlı sigortalılık bizler için özel bir durum sanıyorum. Bildiğim kadarıyla, esas olan, çalışan ya da
işveren olarak SGK kapsamına girmek. İsteğe
bağlı sigortalılık bu durumlar için
koşulları karşılamayanları kapsayan bir
Elif Baykara Narbay Dec 9, 2015
Money matters Long term client putting pressure on rate I would say "no". This is not negotiating the rates, this is
whining. You will work more for lower earnings
because "the industry is under the pressure of
MT/PE". And this is all because this particular<
Elif Baykara Narbay Dec 8, 2015
Medical Translating Pharmaceutical documents and regulations. I agree [quote]Christine Andersen wrote: I follow Emma
Goldsmith chiefly for her advice on Trados Studio,
but the medical translation sections are excellent
too - and she works with
Elif Baykara Narbay Dec 4, 2015
Medical Translating Pharmaceutical documents and regulations. :) [quote]Luke Mersh wrote: @Elif, Just looking
at EMA, mind boggling.... So many regulations, I
do not know where to start. I don't know what
even to look for. regards [/quote]
Elif Baykara Narbay Dec 4, 2015
Translation Theory and Practice PhD research support request Done! I wish you success with your studies. Elif Baykara Narbay Dec 4, 2015
MemoQ support MemoQ issue with the Shift Key Microsoft mouse I had a Microsoft mouse, a really ggod one.
Unfortunately some functions like scrolling and
zoom didn't work with Office :D Such problems
are funny Glad to hear that your problem i
Elif Baykara Narbay Dec 4, 2015
Money matters Giving Estimate for Large Job (Thesis) Nice! [quote]José Henrique Lamensdorf wrote: Then I
offer to do this job under the "book plan": a)
I lower the total cost by 30%, and calculate the
[i]latest[/i] final deadline using 15K
Elif Baykara Narbay Dec 1, 2015
Medical Translating Pharmaceutical documents and regulations. Agency websites For Europe, visit the EMA (European Medicines
Agency) website and the websites of national
regulatory agencies. For US, visit FDA
pages. Make sure to have a look at
Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 30, 2015
German Adventsaktion - Gratis DGT und EMA AutoSuggest-Dateien Danke! Tolles Geschenk! Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 30, 2015
Translator resources Donauworth German/English/Thai conversation ProZ exchange I believe that the right place to find answers is
exchange. H
ave fun in your trip :) Elif

[Edited at
2015-11-29 06:00 GMT]
Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 29, 2015
Turkish Kötü çeviri iddasi +1 [quote]Emin Arı wrote: Yapılan bariz
hataları, kafayı duvara vurma isteği uyandıran
terimleri vs. bir kenara bırakın. Okuduktan
sonra elinizdeki metnin çevirildiğini
Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 24, 2015
Trados support knowing the percentage of fuzzies in remaining parts (non translated parts) This is because [quote]Bashir Baqi wrote: Many Thanks but the
latest report does not show fuzzies of non
translated left parts of source text (I tried
this before) yours [/quote] the analysis is<
Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 22, 2015
Trados support Document content not importing Secured? I don't know whether or not there is something
like a "secured word file" like a "secured pdf
file". Can you work on the files (edit, copy
etc.) on MS Word or Acrobat Reader? Elif
Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 22, 2015
Trados support There is no translation in target language at all Some points: 1- Your source file matters. Matching the TM
entries and your source segments depends on a lot
of factors. TMs usually consist of sentences as
units. So are source files (paragraphs are
Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 22, 2015
Trados support There is no translation in target language at all Do you pretranslate? ... Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 21, 2015
Trados support knowing the percentage of fuzzies in remaining parts (non translated parts) It depends Fuzzies are calculated against a specific
translation memory, that is, they are the matching
parts to a specific translation. When you are
translating, if you are at the same time upda
Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 21, 2015
Money matters Getting Paid by Companies with Bad Payment Reputations. Yes, but why? I agree that this is a feasible way of getting
paid for the work you have done. But this is your
work and it is the normal way round. You accept a
job, you translate and deliver on time, a
Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 21, 2015
Trados support Hide segments where source=target? @2nl , Nora Diaz & Walter Blaser Thanks for the question and guidance. Being a
newbie with CATs - I am using them for only one
year now - I benefit much from such topics.
Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 20, 2015
Trados support Accents Unreadable HTM file in Studio 2015 Why sticking to SDL? [quote]Tamaralina wrote: This is a major issue
that SDL cannot fix it. [/quote] Just as
an outsider who doesn't have technical information
on these subjects, I am wondering whet
Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 17, 2015
Translation Theory and Practice Could you please go through a 1 million word 30 000 entry xbench file in 2 hours? Unless there is a mistake, a polite "No, thanks" would do it. Mistake,
here, means a real mistake, such as having sent
the wrong file etc. Plus, I understand the idea
of CMs and all this stuff, but I don't un
Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 13, 2015
Medical Translation of medication from French to English Possible but not necessary. [quote]Chris S wrote: I'd keep the trade name
(it might be significant) and stick the generic
name in square brackets to help the reader
[/quote] These files are usually for people
Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 13, 2015
Translation Theory and Practice The Ethics of Using a Poor-Quality Previous Translation +1 [quote]Joseph Tein wrote: It doesn't sound like
the type of client you want to keep working
with. I think you did the only reasonable
thing, which is to tell them that as a
Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 13, 2015
Medical Translation of medication from French to English Don't change As a rule of thumb, trademarks incl. the names of
the medicines should not be translated. Plus,
in a medical report, sometimes a comma would
matter. So, stick to the original and trans
Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 13, 2015
Money matters How much info do you give out? Informing them earlier would be better. [quote]MK2010 wrote: I'm going to let this go
for now, and when it comes up again in a couple of
weeks as they prepare to pay my latest invoice,
I'll just say I won't give out that info
Elif Baykara Narbay Nov 6, 2015

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