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Turkish Kötü çeviri iddasi Artikel hatası Türkçede artikel kullanmadığımızdan
(belirtmeye gerek yok, İspanyolcada da ise
artikeller net olduğundan), artikel hatası
kaynak dilden kaynaklanan bir hata değildir.
Hedef d
Elif Baykara Narbay Aug 6, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help CAT TOOLS I agree to some degree but not with everything [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: Firstly, she never
claims to own them, and she never claims to use
them. What the CAT tools section of one's profile
means is up to one's own interpretation
Elif Baykara Narbay Aug 6, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help CAT TOOLS ?? According to your profile you seem to use quite a number of CAT tools? Elif Baykara Narbay Aug 5, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever delivered a project to the wrong client? No but once I sent some of my not-so-confidential
files to a client instead of my accountant. I
believe this might also happen with other files
and other recipients (hopefully not) :)
Elif Baykara Narbay Aug 5, 2015 technical support My 'Articles to read' are missing I don't know whether any solutions were provided but I have the same problem. Elif Baykara Narbay Aug 2, 2015
Turkish Non-PRO vs. PRO? Ben de yeni olduğum için :-) ancak yakın zamanı değerlendirebildim.
Dediğiniz gibi, çok da fazla değilmiş.
Yalnızca benim dikkatimi çekmiş.
Elif Baykara Narbay Aug 1, 2015
Trados support How to find out the analysis statistics of the translated words in an ongoing project? I think I see your point. While you translated the file, you also modified
the TM, so a new analysis or a translation count
does not provide the figures you want to see. I
believe that it is not your problem to
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 30, 2015
Turkish Non-PRO vs. PRO? Merhaba arkadaşlar, bir süredir Kudoz'da
Non-Pro olarak sınıflandırılan sorularda bir
artış dikkatimi çekiyor. Tanıma göre,
aradığımız yanıt dil bilen herhangi bir
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 30, 2015
Trados support How to find out the analysis statistics of the translated words in an ongoing project? You can also use the "Translation Count" under Batch Tasks. Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 30, 2015
Trados support How to find out the analysis statistics of the translated words in an ongoing project? projects view-confirmation statistics tab would provide you the current
statistics. [quote]tesin wrote: Hi all, I
am working on a project using Trados Studio and
the original analysis statistics of the project
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 30, 2015
Turkish Her gün ilan veren firma Bunaldığımı itiraf etmeliyim Anladığım kadarı ile o firma ile çalışmak
için zaten onların sistemine üye olmak
gerekiyor. Bunu koşulu da ProZ üzerinde
görünce garipsedim. İkinci nokta ilan
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 29, 2015
Translation Article Knowledgebase Article: Challenges and nature of a formal language strategy What about today? Interesting article. I am wondering whether there
are any extension or similar studies.
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 21, 2015
Trados support No files after importing a translation package in Studio 2014 In the Files View, there is a Navigation Pane just above the view icons. I am not familiar with 2014, but in 2011, there is
one. Did you check it there? It happened to me
several times before I realized that there is
nothing wrong with the package or the st
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 20, 2015
Trados support SDXLIFF and translation memory What I wrote applies for Studio 2011. But I believe it is pretty much the same in 2014.
Maybe few differences in tags. But the idea is the
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 15, 2015
Trados support SDXLIFF and translation memory Do not open the TM in TM view when you do, it is for editing the TM. Close the
TM in the TM view. Open your project and than
go to Project > Project Settings... tab. There
go to Language Pair > All Language Pair
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 15, 2015
Trados support Repeat analysis different from 1st. Why? :) Now I am lost. In the analyses, I see one file each in
Gesamtüberblick. I assumed that you runned the
analyses on the same file, first using one TM, and
then using another/additional TM. It is obviou
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 14, 2015
Trados support Filtering highlighted segments in Word files Added to the list :) [quote]Michael Beijer wrote: Hi
Elif, TransTools is a Word add-in, so you
basically just use it from inside Word. The
developer has a very clear website explaining all
of the fun
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 14, 2015
Trados support Repeat analysis different from 1st. Why? But then what did you import? [quote]Marketing-Lang. wrote: ... But if after
importing everything I carry out a repeat analysis
(Batch tasks > Analysis) I get totally different
results... -Mike- [/quote] or wh
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 14, 2015
Trados support Filtering highlighted segments in Word files I used the same approach but using Word instead. [quote]Michael Beijer wrote: Hi
Catarina, One way is to use TranTools to hide
all the unhighlighted parts before import, so
Studio will only import the highlighted parts.
Then us
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 14, 2015
Trados support Repeat analysis different from 1st. Why? It is quite normal, when you consider that the analysis is based on
the TM's you provide. The total number of words
cannot be different but as the 2nd TM you added
has more matches, you have an accordingly
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 14, 2015
Turkish Muhasebeci Önerisi İşinde iyi olması daha önemli olabilir mi? Ben bu arayışta iken ProZ'ye üye değildim ve
etrafımda bu soruları sorabileceğim kimse de
yoktu. Dolayısı ile, yurtdışı ile iş
yapan serbest çevirmenlerle çalışan bir
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 11, 2015
Money matters Calculating Website Translation Fee Whether you use a CAT tool or not, ask for clear and definite source files, be it
.doc, .xlliff or .xml. I don't know what the
client supposed but it is not rational to
translate directly from the website. I recommend
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 10, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help How are you supposed to fix these kinds of CAT tool segment problems? I'll definitely try this program. Thank you. [quote]Michael Beijer wrote: You
can either use a better PDF converter, tweak the
settings in your current PDF converter, or use a
special tool to fix them in the Word doc
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 8, 2015
Medical Seen on Facebook I cannot agree more as a translator in the medical field. :x Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 8, 2015
Money matters Translation agency issue: no NET60 payment for more than half a year! Aiming a good agency is the only definite way to find one. [quote]jackal99 wrote: You may know very well
that getting registered in an agency is difficult,
getting regular jobs is more difficult. I
specialize in technical content (I have Ph.D.
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 3, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you advertise your business on social media? I consider ProZ or Linkedin as professional networking platforms rather than social media. My current client profile and the client profile
I'd like to have in the future is not one that
would look for translators on Facebook (which is
so far the most common social media platfor
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 3, 2015
Powwows Powwow: Istanbul - Türkiye Gelemeyecek olsam da, Caddebostan Nero bir dönem favorim olan, keyifli
bir mekandır. Güzel zaman geçirmeniz
Elif Baykara Narbay Jul 2, 2015
Turkish Freelance çevirmenler için vergi ve faturalandırma işleri nasıl yürüyor? Sizin yükümlülüğünüzü mü yoksa kendi yükümlülüklerini mi öğrenmenizi istedi? İlk durum icin zaten kendi araştırmanizi
yapmalisiniz. Muhasebeciniz bu konuyu düzenler.
Ikinci durum sizin tamamen dışında olduğunuz
bir konu. Bu firma Türkiye'de mi faaliyet
Elif Baykara Narbay Jun 28, 2015
Money matters Cost of Developing a Term Base? Hi Joanie, I consider the preparation a termbase is much more
than a simple compilation of terms. I believe
that it is a good idea to charge for the
translation and the termbase separately. I am
Elif Baykara Narbay Jun 23, 2015
Turkish İngilizce'den Türkçeye Tıbbi Çeviri Freelance ücreti hk. yardım Keşke baştan böyle söyleseydiniz [quote]TibbiCeviri wrote: açıkçası durum
şu ben de devlet için çeviri hizmeti satın
aldım (tıbbi değil gerçi). Azcık eli
sıkılık ettiğim için de pazarlık edip
Elif Baykara Narbay Jun 17, 2015
Turkish İngilizce'den Türkçeye Tıbbi Çeviri Freelance ücreti hk. yardım Durum tam olarak bu. [quote]Emin Arı wrote: Tıbbi çeviri büyük
sorumluluk ve aynı zamanda dikkat gerektirir.
Düşünün, yanlış yapılan bir çeviri bir
insan hayatına mal olabilir. Bu yüzden sü
Elif Baykara Narbay Jun 15, 2015
Turkish İngilizce'den Türkçeye Tıbbi Çeviri Freelance ücreti hk. yardım Rica ederim. Sitenin fiyatlar ile ilgili bölümünü
incelerseniz, Türkiye'deki rakamların ne kadar
komik olduğunu görürsünüz :)
Elif Baykara Narbay Jun 13, 2015
Turkish İngilizce'den Türkçeye Tıbbi Çeviri Freelance ücreti hk. yardım Merhaba, çok değişken bir durum. [quote]TibbiCeviri wrote: Arkadaşlar, bir
firma benimle temasa geçerek devlete ait bir
işte kendi uzmanlık alanımda çeviri yapmamı
istedi. Yaptığım deneme çevirisini "konunun
Elif Baykara Narbay Jun 13, 2015
Turkish yeni üyelik kampanyası Teşekkür ederim. Bir süredir takip ediyorum, tam üye olmayı
düşünüyordum. Bu kampanya iyi bir zamanda
ortaya çıktı.
Elif Baykara Narbay Jun 13, 2015
Money matters Transcreation of a company name I agree with Mikhail Kropotov [quote]Mikhail Kropotov wrote: Charge by the
hour? Companies sometimes shell out millions for
a good
Elif Baykara Narbay Jun 11, 2015
Turkish yeni üyelik kampanyası Kampanyanın geçerli olduğu son tarih belli mi acaba? Teşekkürler. Elif Baykara Narbay Jun 11, 2015
Money matters Opening a Euro bank account as a UK resident? Can't you have a Euro account in UK? I am asking just out of curiosity. Elif Baykara Narbay May 29, 2015
Turkish Bilgisayar seçimi DELL markasından kaçının. Bundan yıllar önce ilk laptopumu alırken biraz
tesadüfen biraz da o dönem bütçemin daha rahat
olması sayesinde XPS serisinden bir DELL aldım.
6 yıldan uuzn bir süre normal sırt
Elif Baykara Narbay May 21, 2015
Money matters Translation shortening I suppose that this is an edition task, So you may charge accordingly. Elif Baykara Narbay May 20, 2015
Medical Survey on medical translation - who makes the better medical translator? I hope you will also share the published article here :) [quote]Fiona Peterson wrote: The results will
be published in a future article in the EMWA
journal “Medical Writing”. [/quote]
Elif Baykara Narbay May 18, 2015
Trados support Linked and bold terms go to a different segment I have had this problem more than one time with bold words (Studio 2011). I prefer to edit them later in the
exported target document.
Elif Baykara Narbay May 15, 2015
Turkish ihtisas dairesi Uzmanlık ihtisas uzmanlık anlamına gelir.. Elif Baykara Narbay May 14, 2015
Turkish [TURKISH] Öneri: Öğrenci için ücret. Kayhan Bey'e katılıyorum. [quote]ATIL KAYHAN wrote: Bana sorarsaniz
kendisinden bir de sözcük basina ücret
vermesini rica edin. Bir akademisyenin bunu
rahatlikla verebilmesi gerekir. Daha sonra bu
Elif Baykara Narbay May 14, 2015
Trados support Using two TM in SDL Trados Project settings option under Project tab -> Language settings -> All language pairs allows
you to do this.
Elif Baykara Narbay May 13, 2015
Turkish [TURKISH] Öneri: Öğrenci için ücret. boşluksuz 1000 karakter olabilir [quote]Askercik wrote: her boşluksuz 1000
kelime için : 5 Tl. [/quote] boşluksuz
1000 kelime değil 1000 karakter olabilir. bu
durumda üzülerek söylemeliyim ki piyasada
Elif Baykara Narbay May 11, 2015
Trados support Send changes in Translation Units to the editor - Trados 2014 Thanks, I totally forgot the pretranslate part :) [quote]Radioajo wrote: All right, thank you
very much, that will definitely help Elif and I.
[/quote] [quote]Radioajo wrote: Jaime,
are we related or we just have the same loo
Elif Baykara Narbay Apr 28, 2015
Trados support Send changes in Translation Units to the editor - Trados 2014 I'm sure that there are more clever ways, [quote]Radioajo wrote: ... So, how would you
make a change retroactive, in other words, what
would you do if you found a mess-up near the end
of the translation and you know that ir rep
Elif Baykara Narbay Apr 28, 2015
Trados support Send changes in Translation Units to the editor - Trados 2014 TM's and bilingual files are different. [quote]Radioajo wrote: it is very likely that
I am formulating the question in the wrong way
since I am a new user, but here it goes... I
notice that I can improve a translation fo
Elif Baykara Narbay Apr 28, 2015
Trados support Adding a paragraph to a source file in the project I find it easier to translate the extras separately. For a few times when I needed to add an extra
text, I preferred to translate it as a separate
project and then combine the two target
files. Just an idea. It save time and possible
Elif Baykara Narbay Apr 28, 2015
Trados support Concordance settings I changed the shortcuts for convenience Yes, that is what I realized once I got into it.
So I changed the shortcuts for my ease of
operation only. Thank you [quote]Walter
Blaser wrote: ... because Studio has two
Elif Baykara Narbay Apr 12, 2015

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