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Em qual projeto de tradução você está trabalhando agora?

Elena Pizzetti publicado em compartilhado:

Just finished localizing marketing copy for an audio recording app and about to proofread subtitles for an American TV show! But first, a walk in the park with my dog.


I Do That

Elena Pizzetti publicado em compartilhado:

I'm translating subtitles for the new season of a famous drama for NBCU


I Do That

Elena Pizzetti publicado em compartilhado:

I'm translating subtitles for the new season of a famous drama for NBCU


1 user

I Do That

1 user

Elena Pizzetti publicado em compartilhado:

I just finished subtitling a dystopian movie set in the periphery of Chicago and am currently translating the mobile app for a dating website I've been localizing since 2015 – probably the best and most loyal client I've ever worked with!


I Do That