član od Aug '07

delovni jeziki:
angleščina - slovenščina
slovenščina - angleščina
slovenščina (enojezično)
angleščina (enojezično)

Availability today:
na razpolago

March 2025

Eva Straus
Friendly, resourceful & reliable

Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Krajevni čas: 14:19 CET (GMT+1)

materni jezik:slovenščina Native in slovenščina.
  • PayPal accepted
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Feedback from
clients and colleagues

on Willingness to Work Again info
6 positive reviews
What Eva Straus is working on
Mar 8, 2023 (posted via ProZ.com):  code of conduct ...more, + 2 other entries »
Total word count: 0

sporočilo uporabnika
A full-time professional translator.
vrsta računa Samostojni prevajalec ali/in tolmač, Identity Verified preverjen član
Ta prevajalec /prevajalka pomaga lokalizirati ProZ.com v slovenščina
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Blue Board affiliation:
storitve Translation, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Website localization, Subtitling, Voiceover (dubbing), Transcription, Interpreting
strokovna znanja
se specializira na:
zdravstvo: kardiologijanovinarstvo
zdravstvo (splošno)zdravstvo: instrumenti
zdravstvo: farmacevtikazdravstvo: zdravstvene službe
zdravstvo: zobozdravstvopravo: pogodbe
tehnologija (splošno)poslovanje/komerciala (splošno)


All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
aktivnost za KudoZ: (PRO) točke na nivoju PRO: 388, odgovorov: 145, vprašanj: 8
seznam projektov 2 vnešenih projektov    1 pozitivna mnenja naročnikov

Payment methods accepted Bančno nakazilo
portfelj število primerov za prevode: 5
geslovniki Agriculture, Horticulture, Fishing & Forestry, Biology & Zoology, Finance, Banking & Accounting, Food & Dairy, Gaming etc., IT, Net, Web & Computers, Law & Patents, Linguistics, Lexicology, Lexicography, Morphology & Phonology, Literary, Medicine, Pharmacology, Pharmaceuticals & Health Care

izobrazba na področju prevajanju Other - University of Cambridge
izkušnje leta izkušenj: 28. prijava na ProZ.com: Aug 2007. član od: Aug 2007
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s)
akreditivi angleščina (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), verified)
angleščina - slovenščina (Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Slovenia, verified)
slovenščina - angleščina (Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Slovenia, verified)
članstva N/A
ekipeSlovenian Localization Team
programska oprema Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, DejaVu, Dreamweaver, Indesign, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, Trados Studio, Wordfast
prispevki v forumih 47 forum posts
spletišče: http://www.e-straus.net
CV/Resume Available upon request
Events and training
poklicne navade Eva Straus podpira ProZ.com's poklicne smernice.

Translator, editor & interviewer

A medicine & pharma specialist with a strong background in zoology, agriculture and engineering.

A ProZ Certified PRO, accredited by the Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Slovenia.

Daughter of a hospital lawyer and an engineer, a sibling of an inspector and a security officer, and a life partner of an IT expert.

Of Slovenian, German and Hungarian ancestry. Native in Slovenian, near-native in English.

I can also speak a ridiculous number of other languages. To fully illustrate my linguistic insanity: I've learned enough Hungarian in two weeks to successfully chitchat my way along the north coast of Balaton. However my absolute speed record in putting a new language skill to use was starting to learn Albanian on Monday and making an Albanian friend on Tuesday.


I hope some things about me are quite cool.
I have an in-depth understanding of most roles in the linguistic project cycle because I’ve taken them all on. I know how to make life easier for the translator, the editor, the QA, the PM and the end buyer because I’ve already run a marathon in their shoes. (I can also swing a mattock like a champ which can be a cool skill but that’s a story for later.)

As for the less cool stuff, well I treasure my weekends which means there’s going to be a surcharge if you need a Monday delivery for a Friday hand-off. And while I’m absolutely delighted to undertake any linguistic test you need me to, I won’t do it for free. If it’s work it needs to be paid. (Yes I’m this progressive.)


Also, let’s be real. If your job requires you to spend a lot of time online and keep up with the news like mine does, then of course you’re going to have a fun degree of angst. Mine manifests itself as a substantial fear of missing out and an even greater one of falling behind. And I use this duo to the best of my advantage! I read and learn and train and
study and take courses and get certificates – a touch of anxiety can be great for professional development if you handle it right.


In general, I take good care of myself and I make sure that I have a healthy balance in my life so that I can do justice to my work which I truly enjoy. (Sorry but I love my work. Yes I’m this retro.) Nobody can remain good at what they do if they don't eat, sleep and exercise right - the human brain needs all this and more to work well. It also helps with not becoming burnt out and dull so that's a bonus.

In addition to being a full-time linguist, I manage a small fitness park/nature reserve. I took up biodiversity preservation, landscaping and stonewall building (i.e. entered Neanderthal mode) when the rona first hit and I haven't looked back.

I write when I can find the time; in fact there are people somewhere out there who said that they enjoyed my posts at e-straus.net - could make a decent read if you're looking for a little insight into what life in my country is like.


Finally, in my best effort to make my profile stand out, top right there should be a video of me hurling rocks with almost gorilla-like grace.

Ta uporabnik si je prislužil točke KudoZ, ker je drugim prevajalcem pomagal s pojmi na strokovni ravni PRO. Kliknite na seštevek(ke) točk, da vidite dostavljene prevode izrazov.

skupaj prisluženih točk: 416
točke na nivoju PRO: 388

prvo uvrščeni jeziki (PRO)
angleščina - slovenščina197
slovenščina - angleščina191
prvo uvrščena splošna področja (PRO)
točke v še 4 podr. >
prvo uvrščena področja specialnosti (PRO)
pravo (splošno)24
zdravstvo (splošno)23
Hrana in pijače16
pravo: pogodbe16
elektronika / elektr. inž.15
tehnologija (splošno)12
točke v še 39 podr. >

glej vse prislužene točke >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects2
With client feedback1
100% positive (1 entry)

Job type
Language pairs
angleščina - slovenščina2
Specialty fields
internet, e-poslovanje1
plemenska reja / živinoreja1
zdravstvo: farmacevtika1
Other fields
ključne besede: terminology research, localization, adaptation, medical translation, regulatory, medical interpreter, medical interpreting, medical interviewer, interviews, medical interviews. Pokaži več.terminology research, localization, adaptation, medical translation, regulatory, medical interpreter, medical interpreting, medical interviewer, interviews, medical interviews, clinical trials, medical study, medical report, validity testing, cognitive debriefing, pharmaceutical study, backtranslation, back-translation, localisation, questionnaires, medical editing, QRD, regulatory, PILs, SPCs, ema guidelines, emea editing, emea translation, pharmaceuticals, dentistry, cardiology, surgery, surgical instruments, medical supplies, phytopharmaceuticals, agriculture, farming, veterinary medicine, cosmetics, health care, health food, beauty, nutrition, zoology, biology, ornithology, animals, animal husbandry, animal fancy, forestry, journalism, press releases, copywriting, independent review, consulting, website optimisation, website optimization, contracts, legal, law, engineering, high tech, technology, EDQM, Standard Terms. Pokaži manj.

profil nazadnje obnovljen
Jan 7