član od Jul '17

delovni jeziki:
slovenščina - angleščina
angleščina - slovenščina
francoščina - slovenščina
slovenščina - francoščina
nemščina - slovenščina

Dejan Papež
10 years of translation experience

Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Krajevni čas: 01:12 CET (GMT+1)

materni jezik:slovenščina Native in slovenščina.
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10 positive reviews
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What Dejan Papež is working on
Apr 23, 2021 (posted via ProZ.com):  Translation of a review: right shoulder pain, Engish to Slovene, 581 words. ...more, + 104 other entries »
Total word count: 61899

  Display standardized information

Do you need a translation to or from Slovenian?

I can help you with that. Feel welcome to contact me.

Why collaborate with me?

Experience and versatility

* Translating since 2010
* Working languages: English, French, German, Slovenian * Specialty: medical and pharmaceutical texts:
- medical reports, scientific articles, EMA updates, PILs, SmPCs, occupational safety texts, patents, user manuals, etc.
* Extensive experience:
- legal translation, financial translation, technical translation, patents, certificates, etc.
* Software skills (CAT, graphic editing, OCR, web development)

Reliability and systematicity

* Professional expertise, years of experience, and a vast amount of reference materials
* Systematic self-revision process
* Translation suited to the translation's purpose and layout requirements

Skills and knowledge

* ECQA Certified Terminology Manager - Advanced (2018)
* DZTPS Accredited Translator (2017)
* Certificate of Proficiency in English (2017)
* Comprehensive Clinical Science Examination (CCSE) (2017)
* Graduated in medicine (Ljubljana, 2016)

Privacy and promptness

I am fully aware of the importance of privacy, treat all documents with the utmost confidentiality, and never distribute materials to third parties unless expressly allowed. All translations are done by me.

You can feel secure that I will meet your deadline. I take on-time delivery seriously. You will receive the translation on time or it will be free of charge.

Feel welcome to contact me!

Ta uporabnik si je prislužil točke KudoZ, ker je drugim prevajalcem pomagal s pojmi na strokovni ravni PRO. Kliknite na seštevek(ke) točk, da vidite dostavljene prevode izrazov.

skupaj prisluženih točk: 24
(vsi nivoji PRO)

prvo uvrščeni jeziki (PRO)
nemščina - angleščina8
francoščina - nemščina4
nemščina - slovenščina4
angleščina - nemščina4
angleščina - slovenščina4
prvo uvrščeno splošno področje (PRO)
prvo uvrščeno področje specialnosti (PRO)
zdravstvo (splošno)16
zdravstvo: kardiologija4
zdravstvo: zdravstvene službe4

glej vse prislužene točke >
ključne besede: english, slovenian, slovene, french, german, croatian, medical, health, science, physics. Pokaži več.english, slovenian, slovene, french, german, croatian, medical, health, science, physics, chemistry, art, architecture, software, localization, sports, tourism, scientific articles, occupational safety, OSH, ECHA, data sheet, pharmaceutical, article, adobe, presentation, powerpoint, patient information, Trados, MemoQ, Wikipedia, proceeding, legal, law, patent, device, manual, user, form, Photoshop, InDesign, urgent, Excel, Visio, OCR, veterinary, web design, angleščina, slovenščina, francoščina, nemščina, hrvaščina, medicinski, medicina, zdravstvo, zdravje, znanost, fizika, kemija, umetnost, arhitektura, programska oprema, lokalizacija, šport, turizem, članki, varnost pri delu, podatkovni list, farmacevtski, članek, prezentacija, powerpoint, informacije za bolnike, Wikipedija, postopek, pravo, pravni, patent, naprava, prevod izvidov, priročnik, uporabnik, oblika, nujni prevod, medicinski prevod, veterina, spletno oblikovanje. Pokaži manj.

profil nazadnje obnovljen
Oct 3, 2023