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angleščina - srbščina: backup and recovery General field: tehnika/strojegradnja Detailed field: računalniki: programska oprema
izvirno besedilo - angleščina Backup and recovery have always been a core component of a systems administrator’s job. With more reliable hardware, the amount of time that a systems administrator spends on backup and recovery has decreased, but management’s expectations about server availability have also changed. Users who accepted that a file server might have been out of action for 24 hours in the late 1990s are unwilling to accept several hours of downtime a decade later. In this chapter, you will learn what is new in terms of the process of backing up Windows Server 2008 and the data and services that it hosts for your organization. You will also learn how to plan and implement the disaster recovery for your organization’s Windows Server 2008 environment. You will learn how to recover everything from single Active Directory objects through to files, folders, roles, volumes, and even entire servers.
prevod - srbščina Rezervno kopiranje i obnavljanje oduvek su predstavljali osnovni deo posla administratora sistema. Uz pouzdaniji hardver, vreme koje administrator sistema troši na rezervno kopiranje i obnavljanje se smanjuje, ali su se očekivanja rukovodstva u pogledu raspoloživosti servera takođe promenila. Korisnici koji su krajem devedesetih prihvatali da server datoteka ne bude dostupan 24 sata, deset godina kasnije ne žele da prihvate da ne bude raspoloživ nekoliko sati. U ovom poglavlju učićete o tome šta je novo u postupcima rezervnog kopiranja Windows Servera 2008 i podataka i usluga koje on za vašu organizaciju ugošćava. Takođe ćete učiti kako da planirate i primenite oporavak nakon katastrofe u okruženju Windows Server 2008 vaše organizacije. Naučićete kako se obnavlja bilo šta, počevši od pojedinačnih objekata Active Directory, pa sve do datoteka, foldera, uloga, volumena, pa čak i celih servera.
angleščina - srbščina: How to check if your PC can run Windows 11 General field: tehnika/strojegradnja Detailed field: računalniki: sistemi, mreže
izvirno besedilo - angleščina Any tool covered here will help you figure out if (and why) a PC meets or fails the Windows 11 system requirements. I like all three, but I give WhyNotWin11 a slight edge because it gets TPM right and runs on Enterprise, Education, and centrally managed Windows PCs.
prevod - srbščina Svaka od ovde opisanih alatki pomoći će vam da utvrdite da li (i zašto) računar ispunjava ili ne ispunjava sistemske zahteve za Windows 11. Sviđaju mi se sva tri, ali neznatnu prednost ima WhyNotWin11 jer dobro shvata TPM i radi na Enterprise, Education i centralno upravljanim Windows računarima.
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I have been translating computer software literature for over twenty years for the editor CET Beograd.
I also hold a "Current Rank: Punctilious Proofreader" at Distributed Proofreaders, where volunteers contribute to the Project Gutenberg archive. There, I do English and French.
I also translate films BY EAR or from existing subtitles in English and French into Serbian. I can translate from Italian to Serbian, but only from existing subtitles
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