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točke na nivoju PRO: 43, odgovorov: 22, vprašanj: 5
število primerov za prevode: 2
slovenščina - angleščina: It Seems that Missiles Have Lit Up the Sky (from Banalities by Brane Mozetič)
izvirno besedilo - slovenščina Zdi se, da rakete razsvetljujejo nebo. Poleg
mene ni besed. Mora biti strašen hrup
in ne vem, ne slišim. Pokličem strokovnjaka,
ker dovolj bilo je knjig, teles, mogoče
bo še našel točko, kjer bi se vse zopet
začelo. Ni treba dolgo. Razgrne črno ogrinjalo
ter mi ukaže, naj se gol predam njegovim
prstom. Nadene si črne rokavice in me otipava.
Vsake toliko mi reče, naj povem, ali čutim,
ali kaj boli. Centimeter za centimetrom me
izsesava, leže name, s težo pritiska in
mi grize ušesa. Čakam, da bo našel tisto
točko, ko se mi razpre vesolje in lovim
zrak, ko imel bom tak občutek, kot tedaj,
ko ležem poleg tebe, ko ti dam roko
čez prsi in drhtim. Lahko uporabim
tudi iglo, mi predlaga. Prebodem ti
kožo na prsih, na roki, prebodem ti ud,
nekaterim to zelo ugaja. Kaj naj rečem?
Naj uporabi vse svoje znanje, vse svoje
spretnosti, naj mi nekako le povrne tisti
občutek, vsaj za sekundo, ki se je izgubil.
Ne razume. Še vsem je lahko pomagal, jaz
pa tu želim nekaj, kar ne obstaja, kar
sem si izmislil, kar lahko izbrišem samo
sam. Po urah truda obupa, pospravi
svoje rekvizite in gre. Rane me skelijo,
to je vse, kar še občutim.
prevod - angleščina It seems that missiles have lit up the sky. No words
around me. There must be a racket
that I don’t know, don’t hear. I call an expert,
enough books, bodies, for him to find
a point from which everything could start
over. Not much time needed. He lays out a black cover
and orders me to surrender my
nakedness. He puts on black gloves and touches me.
Every so often, he asks if I can feel it,
if anything hurts. Inch by inch,
he sucks me, lies down on me heavily
and bites my ears. I wait for him to find that
spot where the universe opens up and I’m gasping
for air, when I feel as I do lying
next to you, when I put my hand
on your chest and tremble. I can use
a needle, he suggests. I’ll prick your
chest, hands, I’ll pierce your penis,
some people still enjoy that. What should I say?
Let him use his knowledge, all of his
capabilities, let him somehow bring on back
that feeling for a second, a feeling that’s been lost
. He doesn’t understand. He helps everyone
but I wish for something that does not exist,
something I’ve made up, something only I can
erase. After hours, he gives up, packs up
his instruments and leaves. My wounds burn,
all that I feel.
slovenščina - angleščina: Friday is the Day You Think of Death(from Banalities by Brane Mozetič)
izvirno besedilo - slovenščina Petek je dan, ko pomisliš na smrt. In zato
moraš ven, in ti je dovolj vseh bolečin,
trpinčenj, ta mazohizem, nenehno
zaletavanje v steno. Zadet in pijan se
voziš od kluba do kluba. Komaj
veš, s kom se poljubljaš. Obrazi se
meglijo. Zamika te, da bi koga odpeljal
domov, a potem že pozabiš.
Ustavijo te policaji in ti povejo, da
si pijan in da moraš naprej peš.
Prijatelji v norosti te zvlečejo v naslednjo
luknjo, kjer se še bolj zadeneš in
zapiješ. Tema je. Spustili so rolete
in upaš, da jutro ne bo nikoli prišlo.
prevod - angleščina Friday is the day you think of death. That’s why
you have to go out, having had enough
of torment, masochism, constantly
running into walls. You’re stoned and drunk
and you drive from club to club. You barely know
who you’ve been kissing, the faces
foggy. You’re tempted to take someone
home, but then you forget.
You get stopped by the police who tell you
you’re drunk and must continue on foot.
In madness, your friends drag you to the next
hole where you get even more stoned
and drunk. It’s dark. The blinds have been pulled down
so that morning will never come.